... struggle to find motivation to go to the gym for various reasons. Anyway if you are one of these people that struggle with motivation here are my top tips for keeping yourself motivated for exercise.
1. Find something that you like doing, exercise doesn’t always have to be about Gym there are other ways you can keep yourself active for example playing a sport, swimming, walking, cycling, dance, exercise classes etc.
Find a buddy that has similar interests to you and work with them. This increases motivation as both of you will push each other.
Change your routine from time to time, sticking to the same routine week in week out can become boring.
Track your training progress monthly see where you have made improvements, and things that you still need to work on.
If you are looking for a personal trainer to get you motivated to achieve your fitness goals this year well Bfitness Personal Training is the right service for you! we are a mobile personal training service that operate across south London, with the aim of training you wherever suits you in order to help you get back on track with your fitness, saving you the TIME, MONEY and EFFORT it takes to go to the gym which you hardly use.
To book a Free Personal Training Session with us email alex-bonnick@hotmail.com or check out our website at http://www.bfit-training.co.uk/.